Welcome to RD Sistemas
We are an independent multinational, leader in our industry, specialising in the development and commercialisation of applications for all financial institutions: Management Companies of Collective Investment Institutions, Pension Funds, EPSV (voluntary social provision institutions), Insurance Companies, Mutual Provident Societies, Depository Companies, Asset Management Companies, Securities Dealer Companies and Brokerage Houses.
Our solutions are designed for use in standard environments with the most efficient market technologies, backed by almost 25 years of experience and growth by the hand of major Spanish financial institutions. We combine this industry-specific experience and our extensive knowledge of the financial industry to provide a complete and easy answer to the administration, management, analysis and control of all types of Financial Investments.
Expand informationInnovation 2014
award by the Capital Magazine

Success story: ABANCA Vida y Pensiones
We are pleased to announce that last July we completed the migration and integration with resounding success, fulfilling all the planned objectives.
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Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015
With the aim of adapting to the needs required by an ever-changing industry, RD Sistemas is currently working towards the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.
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True to the company’s innovation heritage, we can proudly announce that our tools will be adapted to the new RD 2.0 Platform.
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We keep growing and facing new challenges. In 2019, we have set up shop in Portugal and Peru.
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