Call for an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of RD SISTEMAS, SA
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
The company's shareholders are summoned to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on June 12, 2015, at 2:00 pm on first call and, as the case may be, on June 13, 2015 at 2:00 pm on second call. The Shareholders’ Meeting will be held at the registered office, in Leganés (Madrid), calle Margarita Salas, no. 34, Parque Científico Leganés Tecnológico, with the following
First - Appointment of the President and Secretary of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Second - Approval, if applicable, of the Financial Statements corresponding to the financial year 2014.
Third - Approval, if applicable, of the Board of Directors’ management.
Fourth - Approval, if applicable, of the profit allocation proposal for said financial year.
Seventh - Termination and appointment of External Auditors and, should the appointees be individuals, appointment of active and alternate Auditors.
Sixth - Questions & Answers
Seventh - Delegate the power to notarise the agreements adopted.
Eight - Drafting, reading and approval, as the case may be, of the Shareholders’ Meeting Minutes.
Shareholders are hereby reminded that, pursuant to Article 272 of the Corporations Law, as of the call for the Shareholders’ Meeting, any shareholder may obtain from the company, immediately and free of charge, any documents to be submitted to the approval of the Meeting and thus, as the case may be, the management report and the auditor's report.
In Leganés, on May 4, 2015.
Tomás Olmo Calzalilla